TTD Accommodation Booking Online Process 2022: TTD board released Online Room booking in Tirumala for devotees for the upcoming months in 2022. Now on this page we will see about how to book rooms in Tirumala, TTD accommodation booking online process and How many ways to book Accommodation (Rooms) in tirumala Online. So, don’t miss these complete details for booking rooms in Tirumala.

With accommodation in Tirumala it is very difficult for the devotees to complete the darshan. So, most of the devotees will book accommodation online before arriving to Tirumala itself. That means while booking the Darshan tickets, the devotees will book the accommodation and rooms as well. However, one can avail the Accomodation in Tirumala in many ways, that is either online or offline. On this page we have come up with the TTD accommodation booking process. So, go through the below sections of this page to know more about TTD room booking.
TTD Kalyana Mandapam Online Booking
TTD Accommodation Booking Online Process 2022: A Complete Guide
There are many questions that arrives while booking TTD accommodation in 2022. In order to answer all your questions and doubts we have come up with this article. We hope this article will clarify all your doubts and as well as provide solutions to all your questions.
TTD Accommodation Booking Online (Family & Same Mobile)
If you have already booked Darshan tickets online with a mobile number then you can easily book the accommodation with the same mobile number using the following process. This process is for Family with more than 1 person who already booked Darshan Tickets Online.
- Login TTD website ( with your Mobile Number
- Click on View Transaction History
- In the transaction history, you will find already booked Darshan tickets details
- If you have not booked accommodation then you will see “Book Accommodation” in the right side of the same row
- Click on Book Accommodation and select Agree
- Since you have already booked Darshan tickets, then accommodation will be released for you on the same day of Darshan or the day before the Darshan, It will be seen in Green Color.
- Select the preferred Day and preferred time slot
- Select state of Residence
- Click on Continue
- You will see a popup window stating that the allotment of room is for 24 Hrs only
- Click on OK
- Check your details like Name, Check-in time slot, state of residence, etc
- Click on Pay Now
- Pay amount using the Credit Card, Net Banking
TTD Accommodation Booking Online (Single Person (or) Different Mobile)
If you have already booked Darshan tickets online with one mobile number and you want to book Accommodation with different mobile number (or) If you are visiting the Tirumala as a single person, this process of TTD accommodation booking is for you.
- Login to TTD website with Different Mobile Number or Same Mobile Number (Single Person)
- Click on Book Accommodation on the right side corner
- Click on Agree button on the Popup window
- Here you will find all the available rooms in Green color
- Select date and type of room
- Next select No.of Persons need the accommodation facility
- Select state of Residence
- Click on Continue
- In the next window, you have to fill all the details of the pilgrims manually. Since, TTD site does not have the history of the devotees because you are using different mobile number or you are a single person visiting Tirumala
- Click on Continue
- Check your details like Name, Check-in time slot, state of residence, etc
- Click on Pay Now
- Pay amount using the Credit Card, Net Banking
Money Debited But TTD Accommodation Not Booked?
If you are not sure whether room booked or not but your money has been debited from your account then follow this process
- Visit
- Click on Tirumala Accommodation Quota for the Month you have booked already
- Let the system to complete Virtual Time
- Login with the Mobile number same used before
- In the status, If it is SUCCESS then your room has been booked
- Click on View Receipt and Take Printout
- If the Status is FAILED then your money will be refunded within 7 to 10 days to your account
How to get Refund from TTD Website?
If you have not received refund from the TTD website even after 10 Days, then write an Email to Tirumala Balaji website.
For Enquirers on refunds write to: [email protected]
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